School to Business Partnership

Half Hollow Hills Central School District School to Business
Partnership Needs You!


October 2024


Dear Parents and Guardians,


My name is Douglas Gannon and I am the School to Business Partnership Coordinator for the Half Hollow Hills Central School District The School to Business Partnership is a networking group that will assist our students during their high school career and beyond. This program focuses on helping our students through many aspects of business- such as internships, job shadowing, networking events, and mentoring. We are looking to grow this program in Half Hollow Hills and need your help. We are looking for individuals and companies that are willing to share their expertise and knowledge to our students. Our group contains a wealth of people in corporate America. Connections with our community will enable us to utilize all of these resources and create a large group to assist our students.


Some of the topics planned for 2024-2025 include: networking, what a student needs to know about the corporate world,  job shadowing, mentor/mentee programs, scholarships, business etiquette, resume writing and interviewing, etc. We also will be hosting our 13th Annual Half Hollow Hills Shark Tank Competition (KING OF THE HILLS). This event is sponsored by the School to Business Partnership. We will also be hosting our 2nd Annual Women in Business Day. We are shooting for a January date for this wonderful experience for our students...


Ifbeing a part of our School to Business Partnership interests you or your company, please fill out the information below or register using this link https:llforms.glela7Y8LLHTbfA5c2vJ8


A confirmation email will be sent to you when your information is received.  Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to meeting with you at one of our events. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Doug Gannon
School to Business Partnership Coordinator
Business Teacher





Please click HERE to view and download the above letter

School to Business Partnership Membership Survey