If your child is interested in trying out for a Middle School or High School sport you must REGISTER ONLINE through FinalForms

CLICK HERE to Register.

All registrations for athletics are now online.

Important Information regarding Athletic Physicals

As per the New York State Education Department, "A student who may engage in interschool competition shall receive an adequate health examination and healthy history update when required, and may not practice or participate without the approval of the school medical officer." Therefor to be in compliance with the NYS Education Department, if you choose to bring your child to a physician who is not a School District Doctor, we must have your child’s physical signed off by a Board of Education Approved School Medical Officer.


Students that require Epi pens, inhalers and other medications such as insulin and glucagon are not permitted to participate without written permission to self-carry by their parent AND doctor.

Click HERE for the Medication Self-Carry Form

Click HERE for Health Exam Form

All students interested in participating in an interscholastic athletic program must receive medical clearance prior to tryouts. Before you make an appointment with any physician for an examination, you should speak with our school district nurse about regulations and guidelines that must be followed.

Only the Half Hollow Hills YELLOW Pre-Participation Form and Physical Examination Form will be used for medical clearance. All forms must be picked up from the nurse, completed then returned to the nurse. Other forms from private physicians will not be accepted. No faxed or attached physical forms will be accepted.

Do not return any medical clearance forms to the Athletic Office or the Pupil Personnel Office @ Central Office. Also be advised that no one at the building level other than the school nurse will assume responsibility for these forms. Return the forms only to the nurse.