High School West

Community Service

Top 10 Reasons to Volunteer

Below is information of local organizations with volunteer opportunities for HSW students throughout the year.

Blessings in a Backpack

Every Thursday throughout the school year at Candlewood Middle School, students can volunteer to pack food for families in the Half Hollow Hills Community.

Email: spedteacher12@gmail.com


Sign up for community service opportunities for high school students. Various different volunteer opportunities are available, including: after school tutoring, Teen Topic Theater, crafts with kids, kareoke, and implementing food drives and other events through your school.

Phone: 631-549-9417

Email: reachcyainc@aol.com

Website: www.reachcya.org

Half Hollow Hills Community Library

Every Thursday throughout the school year students can volunteer for an hour between 2pm-4pm to create crafts to donate. Several other volunteer opportunities are available throughout the year such as helping younger students with homework.

Phone: 631-421-4530

Email: hhhcl@hhhlibrary.org

Website: www.hhhlibrary.org

Tri County & Youth Agency (TRI CYA)

Volunteer to help local youth through experiences such as homework help and recreational activities.

Phone: 631-673-0614

Email: tricommunity@optonline.net

Website: www.tricya.org

The Whaling Museum

Students can volunteer: 1-2 hours per week after school prepping crafts programs, weekends for Family and Public Programs, or during the Winter, Spring, and Summer camps as a counselor in training.

Phone: 631-367-3418

Email: lfusco@cshwhalingmuseum.org

Website: www.cshwhalingmuseum.org