Senior Experience Classes Visited By Guide Dog Foundation For The Blind
Chip Parker

The Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind and America's VetDogs President and CEO John Miller, a member of the class of 1992 from Hills East, visited students from the Senior Experience classes at Hills West and East to inform them about the life-changing work service dogs provide to people who are blind, have low vision, or have other disabilities, as well as veterans and first responders with disabilities. 

The Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind and America's VetDogs President and CEO John Miller, a member of the class of 1992 from Hills East, visited students from the Senior Experience classes at Hills West and East to inform them about the life-changing work service dogs provide to people who are blind, have low vision, or have other disabilities, as well as veterans and first responders with disabilities. A service dog joined them to demonstrate the skills and tasks they are trained in to help the veterans and individuals with disabilities they serve.