Hills East Art History Class Creates LED Light Art Installation
Chip Parker

The Art History class of 2023 continued the long tradition of installation art at Hills East with their 17th annual project, transforming the two auditorium stairwells into a glowing installation with changing lights, patterns and colors. They used strands of LED battery-operated lights placed on each staircase to create a sense of movement and excitement as students and staff walk by.

The Art History class of 2023 continued the long tradition of installation art at Hills East with their 17th annual project, transforming the two auditorium stairwells into a glowing installation with changing lights, patterns and colors. They used strands of LED battery-operated lights placed on each staircase to create a sense of movement and excitement as students and staff walk by.


They were inspired by the artwork Electronic Superhighway by Nam June Paik, which is a multi-media art installation that utilizes 336 televisions, 50 DVD players, 3,750 feet of cable, and 575 feet of multicolored neon tubing constructed in the shape of the United States. The installation is relevant to the students because it connects an artistic element of their art history curriculum to a common trend among teenagers: the use of led lights and evolving technology.